Effective Migration Management: Putting Policy into Action

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Public authorities, civil society organisations, and private businesses, are involved in managing migration, with significant implications for societies in sending, transit, and receiving countries. In order to respond to the complexity of migration, and to reduce implementation gaps, there is a need for a holistic view of migration.

This Executive Training aims at developing and strengthening migration management skills through a holistic perspective. Using case-study teaching, we will work with participants to share different experiences and reflect on common constraints and opportunities. In the course of a variety of interlinked thematic sessions, participants will explore the different stages of migration management, from finding evidence to decision making processes and implementation. The training will combine insights of migration theory and practical perspectives from the operational level. At the end of the training, participants will have developed a sophisticated understanding of the complexities, challenges and trade-offs of migration management.

You are able to find out more about this Executive Training on EUI website.