Fit for purpose? The Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance to irregular migrants

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee, aims to update the 2016 study “Fit for purpose? The Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance to irregular migrants”. It takes stock of and examines the latest developments that have taken place since 2016, specifically the legislative and policy changes, along with various forms and cases of criminalisation of humanitarian actors, migrants’ family members and basic service providers.


Sergio Carrera, CEPS and the Migration Policy Centre – European University Institute

Lina Vosyliute, CEPS

Stephanie Smialowki, CEPS

Jennifer Allsopp, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Migration Leadership Team, London International Development Centre, SOAS University of London

Gabriella Sanchez, Migration Policy Centre – European University Institute