Tamara Tubakovic

Visiting Fellow
Tamara Tubakovic is a visiting postdoctoral fellow at the Migration Policy Centre. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Melbourne, Australia. She is currently the Research Coordinator of a Jean Monnet Network, The Comparative Network on Refugee Externalisation Policies (CONREP). Involving legal scholars, political scientists, sociologists and criminologists, the Network advances theoretical and empirical knowledge on the drivers and consequences of the refugee externalisation policies pursued by the EU and Australia in North Africa and the Asia Pacific. As part of the CONREP Network, Tamara’s research examines the intensification of intergovernmental, and informal, dynamics in EU migration and asylum management.
While at the Migration Policy Centre, Tamara will work on a project exploring the role and behaviour of EU supranational actors in the asylum policy-making process. The project adopts a combined actor-centred constructivist and organisational sociology approach to examine institutional role expectations as a key driver of, and legitimating frame for, the policy (in)actions and solutions proposed by the European Commission during major asylum reforms.
Her research has been widely published in journals articles, policy reports, and a series of commentaries and blog posts. She has taught a variety of modules on EU politics and integration, and on asylum and migration politics and law, at the University of Melbourne and the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University.

Upcoming Special Issue Contributions:

Tubakovic, T ‘Why ideas triumph: Analysing ideational power in the EU’s response to the 2015 refugee crisis’, in E Baekkeskov, A Hannah and T Tubakovic (eds) Ideas and Crisis Responses Special Issue Symposium accepted in Public Administration

Tubakovic, T, ‘The EU’s refugee externalisation agenda: What consequence for EU integration?’, in ‘Responsibility Sharing or Responsibility Shedding?’ Special Issue accepted in Globalizations 


Journal Articles

Tubakovic, T 2019, ‘The Failure of Regional Refugee Protection and Responsibility Sharing: Institutional and Policy Neglect in the EU and ASEAN’ Asian Pacific Migration Journal, vol. 28, no. 22, pp. 183-209.

Tubakovic, T 2019 ‘Cooperation beyond deterrence: the prospects for an EU-Australia rights-based approach to refugee protection in Southeast Asia’, Global Affairs, vol. 5, no. 4-5, pp. 551-557.


Research and Policy Reports

Tubakovic, T 2017, ‘The Dublin IV recast: A missed opportunity’, Refugee Research Online, 5 September.

Tubakovic, T 2017, ‘A Dublin IV recast: A new and improved system?’, Egmont European Policy Brief, no. 46.


Blog Posts and Commentaries

Tubakovic, T 2019, ‘Race Against Responsibility: Why Conflict over Migrant Disembarkation is an EU Problem’, The Globe Post, 13 March.

Tubakovic, T 2017, ‘The Limits to Regional Refugee Protection: the EU and ASEAN’, Refugee Research Online, 25 June.

Tubakovic, T 2017, ‘Merkel won’t be hurt by refugee issues, Election Watch, 14 August 2017.

Tubakovic T and Murray, P 2017, ‘Has the EU really solved its refugee crisis?’, The Conversation (Global), 7 July.

Tubakovic, T and Rogan K 2017, ‘A ‘Real’ Fortress Europe’, Social Europe, 15 March.

Roxburgh, N and Tubakovic T 2017, ‘“The Slow Hell”: The Lived Experience of the EU’s Flawed Asylum System – featuring an interview with Victor Roman, from Lesvos Legal Centre’, Quarterly Access, March.

Murray, P and Tubakovic T 2016, ‘Brexit: The Challenge for Theresa May Pursuit’, 12 July.