New Memorandum of Understanding with the Uganda Council on Migration

The EUI is intensifying its ties with partners in other continents on crucial global issues. Migration is a prime example, which requires deep cooperation between Africa and Europe. Therefore, the European University Institute (EUI) and the Uganda Council on Foreign Relations (UCFR) join hands on migration – the EUI and the UFCR have a signed a memorandum of understanding. On behalf of the EUI, the Migration Policy Centre will intensify its collaboration with the UCFR on research, policy dialogue and training on migration and refugees, with the shared aim of developing capacity on issues related to migration.

Uganda has increasingly become a key player on the African continent. By extension, its views on and approaches to complex regional conflicts are valued as a member of regional and international communities. In addition to its role as an important regional and international partner, Uganda’s facing multi-faceted foreign policy choices. The areas of economic and social development and international politics need close scrutiny and objective analysis. Therefore, The Uganda Council on Foreign Relations, a membership organization is being established to address the need for independent and non-partisan research and analysis of Uganda’s foreign and development options.

The mission of the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) at the European University Institute (EUI) is to conduct advanced research and training on the transnational governance of international migration, asylum and mobility. It provides new ideas, rigorous evidence and critical thinking to inform major European and global policy debates.