Governing Migration Beyond the State: Europe, North America, South America, and Southeast Asia in a Global Context

International migration has become a salient concern in global politics but there is also significant variation in governance responses. By focusing on four key world regions — Europe, North America, South America, and Southeast Asia — Andrew Geddes in this book explores the underlying factors that shape migration governance responses. Rather than focusing on the more visible outputs or outcomes of governance processes such as laws and policies, this book opens the ‘black box’ of migration governance to reveal how understandings and representations of the causes and effects of migration held by key governance actors in these four regions have powerful effects, not only on governance outcomes, but more broadly on the prospects for global migration governance. By doing so, the book shows how migration governance systems through their operation and effects can shape migration — in its various forms — and the lived experiences of migrants.

Andrew Geddes in this book:

  • Unites rich empirical detail with an innovative framework that focuses on distinctive repertoires of migration governance in each of the four regions (Europe, North America, South America and Southeast Asia);

  • Fresh insight into how ostensibly similar dilemmas across different regions can lead to lead to convergent or divergent responses;

  • Draws on extensive interview material and provides new understanding of how key acts make sense of their role.

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